How To Use a Yoga Wheel Effectively

2 women using yoga wheels to practice yoga.

Have you ever wanted to achieve a strong and flexible body, with improved balance and stability? If so, then the yoga wheel may be just what you need! This versatile tool is designed to help you stretch, strengthen, and massage your muscles for optimal health. From spinal massage and mobility to increased flexibility and core strength, the yoga wheel can provide a myriad of benefits.

If you’ve seen yoga wheels in your studio or online, you may wonder if it’s the right accessory for your practice. This article will help you understand how to use yoga wheels in your practice and the benefits of yoga wheels, so you can decide if it’s the right prop for you!

Keep reading to learn all you need to know about the benefits of yoga wheels and how to use them in poses.

What Is a Yoga Wheel?

A yoga wheel is one of several yoga accessories, such as blocks and straps, you can use in a variety of poses to either assist you or deepen the pose. It’s a hollow circle prop that can be made of various materials, such as plastic, hard rubber, cork, and even wood. The wheel material can determine its stability and the amount of support it offers.

They also come in several sizes, from six to 12 inches high, and the thickness can change too. The ideal yoga wheel for you will depend on your body, skill level, and what kind of poses or type of yoga you want to work on.

Why Do People Use Yoga Wheels?

Before discussing how to use a yoga wheel, it’s important to know why yogis use them. With regular use, the yoga wheel can provide an array of benefits for your overall well-being!

Below are the top benefits of yoga wheels in practice and why you may want to use them. 

Back Pain Relief

One of the most common uses for a yoga wheel is to relieve back pain. When placed under your lower or upper back for certain poses, the yoga wheel can massage your back muscles and relieve some of the pain. Trying to stretch your back muscles can be dangerous and harmful if done wrong, so the yoga wheel is an effective way to stretch your back safely.

Better Balance

For some, balancing poses are the most difficult, but yoga wheels can help. You can use the yoga wheel during the balancing series for support and stability to take more risks with balancing without falling. On the flip side, yoga wheels can also be used to make balancing poses more difficult, forcing you to improve your balance so you can be more stable than ever.

Deeper Asanas

Yoga wheels can help you deepen some of your poses (asanas), especially heart openers and back stretches. Using the yoga wheel to deepen poses can not only help you sink into the stretch and feel more comfortable but can also help you stay aligned to ensure you’re doing the asana properly.

Body Toning

Using a yoga wheel in certain poses can force you to work and flex muscles you didn't know existed. Likewise, incorporating your yoga wheel into certain strength poses can make the asana more comprehensive, activating more muscles, and resulting in a toned and strong body.

Improved Flexibility

Many individuals use yoga wheels to push their flexibility to the next level. It’s helpful in deepening certain poses to enhance flexibility by allowing you to open your chest, back, legs, or arms more. Sometimes, pushing yourself in a pose with your own body is hard, so the wheel can be that extra oomph you need.

Change of Pace

You may also use a yoga wheel to change up your routine. For example, individuals who do the same vinyasas repeatedly or mostly do the Bikram series may become bored with the routine. A yoga wheel can intensify and change your practice so it’s fresh and energizing again!

Different Ways to Use a Yoga Wheel

There are many different ways that you can use the yoga wheel to maximize the health benefits it offers. The following are some of the most popular and effective ways to use a yoga wheel.

These are just a few of the many ways to utilize a yoga wheel to promote physical health and wellness! Give it a try today and reap all its amazing benefits!

Chest Opener

Place the yoga wheel on the floor, lie on top of it and press your hands down into the wheel while arching your chest towards the ceiling. This helps open up your chest muscles, improving flexibility and mobility in this area of your body.

Spinal Release

Sit with your back against the yoga wheel, then roll up and down allowing for a gentle massage along your spine. This can help alleviate tension in tight areas as well as improve circulation throughout your body.

Core Strengthening

Place the yoga wheel behind you and lean back until it’s under your shoulders, then lift both legs up together at an angle so that they’re parallel to each other above you. Hold this position for 30 seconds or more for an incredible core workout!

Hamstring Stretch

Sit on top of the yoga wheel with one leg extended straight out in front of you with your heel on the ground while keeping your back straight and chest lifted. Lean forward until you feel a comfortable stretch in the back of your extended leg, and hold for 30 seconds or more before switching sides to stretch both legs equally.

Best Poses to Do With a Yoga Wheel

A yoga wheel can be used in various positions and movements to help improve flexibility, balance, and overall body strength. If you want to experiment with a yoga wheel, below are the ten best poses to try!

Child’s Pose

To use a yoga wheel in child’s pose, set up your legs on the floor with knees wide and toes touching; place the yoga wheel between your knees. Put your hands on top of the wheel and use them to roll yourself forward and down to enhance the stretch in your back, arms, and hips.

Fish Pose

Fish pose is all about stretching your back muscles. You can place a yoga wheel underneath the middle of your back to help you deepen the pose or assist you in holding the shape, which can be challenging.

Half Pyramid

A yoga wheel can also make the half-pyramid pose more intense. Half pyramid, also referred to as half splits, can open your hips and increase flexibility. Place your front foot on top of the wheel and use it to pulse gently back and forth to deepen the leg stretch.

Lizard Lunge

Lizard lunges can stretch your hip flexors and quads but can become too easy or comfortable for advanced yogis. So instead, a yoga wheel beneath your back foot allows you to lean even further into your hip flexors for a more comprehensive stretch.

Warrior II

Warrior II is a quintessential pose that demands focus, endurance, strength, and balance. You can make the asana more powerful by resting your back leg on a large or medium yoga wheel, making balancing more difficult and allowing you to sit lower for a deeper hip and leg stretch.

Crescent Lunge

Crescent lunge can expand and energize your body. To do it with a yoga wheel, place the yoga wheel beneath your back foot to make balancing more challenging. Then, rest your back knee on the top of the wheel to strengthen your core and legs while enhancing balance.

Benefits of Using a Yoga Wheel Summarized

Using a yoga wheel can offer numerous physical and mental benefits. It is an excellent way to increase flexibility, strength, and balance. Through regular use of the wheel, you can improve your posture and mobility, as well as enhance your core stability. The wheel also provides support for deep stretches and poses that may otherwise be difficult to hold or achieve. Additionally, the use of the yoga wheel can help to reduce stress levels by prompting relaxation through calming stretches and restorative poses. By taking time to practice with the yoga wheel regularly, you can reap all of these benefits for both your body and mind.

  • Helps in performing certain poses safely and correctly

  • Prevents injury

  • Increases flexibility

  • Improves stability

  • Provides ache and pain relief

Online Yoga With Yoga For All Humans

Yoga For All Humans offers an exceptional opportunity for everyone to experience the benefits of practicing yoga in the comfort of their own homes. Our online yoga classes cater to individuals of all skill levels and backgrounds, providing personalized instruction that emphasizes the fundamentals of yoga. Our team of experienced teachers are passionate about guiding you on your journey to better physical and mental health.

Whether you're interested in learning how to use a yoga wheel or simply want to deepen your practice, we've got you covered. Join us today for a free 14-day trial and discover the transformative power of yoga for yourself.

Mother and daughter participating in an online yoga class from their home.

Author - Derek Haigler

Founder of Yoga for All Humans


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