Crescent Moon Pose: How To Do the Standing Crescent Moon Pose Effectively

Yoga instructor Derek Haigler doing the Crescent Moon yoga pose

Back pain can be one of the most common conditions in American life, but trying a few simple yoga poses can help relieve those symptoms. If you're searching for back pain relief, trying out the crescent moon pose may help.

Here's a detailed overview of everything you need to know about the crescent moon yoga pose, including alternatives and benefits of the position.

What Is the Standing Crescent Moon Yoga Pose?

The crescent moon pose is a simple yoga stretch that engages your spine, sides, hips, and shoulders. This pose is also called Anjaneyasana in Sanskrit, and it gets its name from a relation to a strong and powerful god.

You might also hear the crescent moon yoga pose called a standing crescent moon pose.

It begins in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) with feet together and arms by the sides. The torso then opens out to one side while the other arm extends up into the air, reaching towards the sky. Some studies show regular yoga can help increase back flexibility and strength to stop pain.

How To Execute the Standing Crescent Moon Pose Effectively

Now here's a look at how to perform the crescent moon pose step-by-step. Slowly follow these steps while maintaining proper form, and avoid putting yourself in painful positions to prevent injury.

Step 1: Get Into Position

The first step to begin the crescent moon yoga pose is to start in the Mountain Pose position. Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart, and your hands at your sides. 

You'll be performing this pose twice, once on each side. Choose which side you'd like to go to first, and in this example, it'll use the right side.

Step 2: Raise Your Arms

Now that you're in the beginning position, you can begin to extend your arms. Reach for the sky with both hands by lifting your arms over head with your palms facing each other. Then, you are going to grab your left wrist with your right hand. Try your best to keep your head forward and extended slightly.

As you stretch upwards, keep your hips down and begin to bend backward. Continue to send your arms upwards while you push your chest out and try to curve your middle back.

Step 3: Bend to One Side

This is the motion where the name of the crescent moon pose gets its name from. 

On the exhale bend to the right side, allowing your right arm to pull while your left arm reaches higher towards the sky. Make sure to keep both legs straight and engage your core.

Your body should now resemble the shape of a crescent moon.

Crescent Moon Pose Adjustments

Sometimes, the crescent moon yoga pose may not work for your routine. It could be too challenging, or it might not feel like it's doing enough. If the standing crescent moon pose is too difficult, there are several adjustments that can be made to make it more accessible. Some adjustments can help improve the effectiveness of this yoga pose for you.

These adjustments include using blocks or a wall for support and modification. Additionally, you can modify the pose by bending your knees to reduce the amount of hip flexion, or taking a wide stance to increase stability. Finally, you can also use your arms to help support your weight as you practice the pose. 

If standing is not in your practice, you can also do the crescent moon pose from a chair or even laying down. 

Remember to listen to your body and adjust accordingly so that you are able to find comfort and ease within each posture. With patience and consistent practice, you will eventually build up strength and flexibility in order to achieve the full expression of this powerful yoga posture.

Step 4: Hold the Pose

Once you've fully extended, keep your face upwards and take a few moments to stay in the pose and breathe. Maintain this pose for five breaths before switching sides, ensuring that each side is equally balanced in terms of length and intensity of stretching. 

Relaxing in a pose can help stretch the muscles, provide a moment of meditation to relieve stress, and help connect you with your body to improve balance.

The goal of this pose is to extend through the left side of your body without creating too much pressure on your ribs.

Step 5: Repeat on the Opposite Side

Now you can extend your opposite arm to begin the stretch again. Doing it on each side will ensure a complete exercise and proper usage of the standing crescent moon pose.

Repeat the same motion, but with your other arm. You are now going to grab your right wrist with your left hand and lean towards the left, allowing your left arm to pull while your right arm reaches higher towards the sky.

Once you have completed both sides, bring both hands together above you into a prayer position and slowly come back up to standing tall with breath awareness.

Finish by taking another deep breath in and breathing out with an audible sound - this helps to expel any excess energy or tension from the body.

Benefits of the Standing Crescent Moon Pose

Yoga has various benefits, from relieving stress to connecting with your body. Each pose has slightly different impacts, so it can be helpful to understand what the crescent moon pose achieves.

Performing the crescent moon yoga pose will help:

  • Stretch hips and quadriceps

  • Open hip flexors

  • Extend back and spine

  • Stretch sides

  • Open chest, shoulders, and torso

  • Improve your balance and stability

  • Energize you

Tips for Performing the Standing Crescent Moon Pose

The crescent moon pose can be slightly difficult, but we believe in making yoga accessible to everyone. 

Here are a few general tips to help you perform the crescent moon yoga pose:

  • Keeping your hands on your knee while you bend backward can help if you struggle with balance

  • Try to keep your head forward and gaze upwards

  • Ensure your front knee stays straight above your ankle to avoid overextension

  • If you feel any pain, back off the stretch and stop

  • Remember you can do this pose from a seated position or lying down

Young woman sitting on a yoga mat trying the crescent moon pose

Trying the Standing Crescent Moon Pose Yourself

Trying out new yoga poses can be fun and exciting, and now you're ready to experiment with the crescent moon pose.

If you need more tips or are interested in exploring yoga, Yoga for All Humans offers online yoga classes for all levels. Sign up for a virtual lesson today and have fun testing out yoga in a comfortable environment at home.

Author - Derek Haigler

Founder of Yoga for All Humans


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